Friday, December 12, 2008

What Can I Do To Conserve Water ?

You can take a shower instead of a bath .
It is better to water your garden in the morning .
Don't leave the water on when you brush your teeth.

How to save water

The people in the U.S.A. only have a little amount of water.We have to reuse the water over and over because run out of water if we don't.There are ways to save water like if you put a milk jug full of water in the back of the toilet to save a gallon of water each time you flush.

When you do dishes you can water your plants with that water when it's dark out because the water won't evaporate as fast or you can water your plants during the day.

You can also change your regular shower head to a power conserver shower head because the people use water to make electricity.

ways to Conserve Water???

You can conserve water by turning the water off when you brush your teeth,you could also water your plants in the morning,another way is to use less water when you take a bath or shower,or don't and try to stop throwing trash in the water,and reuse the water you have again even if you have lots of water.

How I can conserve water

I can save water by taking a shorter shower, this can save water by using and wasting less. I can also save water by biulding a solar powered bike, so I don't have to drink as much water. The only other way I can save water is to not to throw trash in water, if we ruin all of the water it will cost a lot of money and it might send the economy into a depression, forcing people to work even harder which means more water will be consumed and more water will be wasted on keeping us cool or being used to our food.

What I can do to conserve water

Here are three ways to conserve water, one way is to put a large jug like a milk jug in your toilet, use dish water your plants before the sun comes up.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Three things That Can Save Water

We need to check for leaking pipes,turn off water wile brushing your teeth, water plants at night so water doesn't evaporate.

Monday, December 8, 2008

ways to Conserve Water???

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One way to conserve water is to not lit the water hose running or win you are watering the plants . The other way to conserve water is to not wash your clothe every day other way is to first put soop all around the dishes then rob om then wash them so that way you will save water.

What can I do to conserve water?

There are many ways to conserve water but the three I picked is while brushing your teeth you could turn off the water that is so you don't waste water brushing your teeth when the water is running and your not using the water that is going down the drain your just wasting all that water.
Another way to conserve water is to not keep water running when you leave the room because even if the water is still just dripping it is still wasting water. If you let the water drip you should think about how much good water you are wasting.
You should also check for leaky pipes in your house because if the pipes are leaking you are still wasting good water.By wasting good water I mean the water that we drink, take baths in, and cook in are examples of all the good water that we have.

What can I do to conserve water?

well i can ask people to stop polluting the lakes ,rivers ,oceans ,and streams.If they don't i will wake up really early and pick up lakes , rivers ,streams as much as i can. The reason why i can not pick up oceans is because i do not live by one .

I can also tell my sister if she can stop leaving the foset on when she waters the dogs.

What can I do to conserve water?

well i can ask people to stop polluting the lakes ,rivers ,oceans ,and streams.If they don't i will wake up really early and pick up lakes , rivers ,streams as much as i can. The reason why i can not pick up oceans is because i do not live by one .

I can also tell my sister if she can stop leaving the foset on when she waters the dogs.

What can I do to conseve water

One is that I can stop the water from runing wen I brush my teeth. Next I can uses the water from my noddle water and make ice cubes or you can make hot tea. Last but not lest all of us can water our plants be for sun rise or you can clean all the rivers, and all the lacks.

What I Can Do To Conserve Water?

You can take less time taking a shower or fix leaky sinks & reuse noodle water

What Can I Do To Conserve Water ?

1.You can get gutters and put a bucket of some kind under the downspout witch will catch the water.
2. Or you can get this special type of stuff that when it rains it will turn that running water into a mist and that will water your plants or grass at the same time.
3. When you win any type of game and your about to pour that big jug of Gatorade on the coach DON'T ,that is a waste of water.

What can i do to conserve water

I can conserve water by shutting off the water when i brush my teeth,and put a little less water in bath,and when cleaning dishes turn off the water,and when washing your hands turn off the water,and when you comb your hair turn off the water.

What I can do to conserve water

1. Use new products in your home to conserve water- In the movie about water conservation in our class, it talked about changing the water-heads on your shower. Using a different shower-head may conserve water in your home.
2. Do not pollute streams, lakes or rivers- Water in streams, lakes and rivers may still be fresh
water. If it is polluted, then there may not be so much water to drink.
3. Reuse water- Instead of using a little water and then throw the rest away, you can keep reusing the same water from cooking.

What I Can DoTo Conserve Water

ways i can save water 1. put a gallon jar of water in your toilet 2. water your plants at night with dishwater 3. use a shower overhead saver to use less water when u shower, and the reason why i chose these 3whatever they are called is because they use less water so u can use the same water.

What I Can Do To Conserve Water?

What I could do to save less water is to change your shower head to a shower head that uses less water thats one reason.You could pore water to your plants dish water at night so it won't evaporate.

What can I do to conserve water?

The first thing I can conserve water is to reuse water by not using to much water.

The second thing to conserve water is to take quick shower.

The third thing to conserve water is to not flush the toilet to much.

What Ican do to conserve water !!

I could conserve water by the meals that have water I could use it for something else .
I could take short baths or showers. I could pick up trash when some people are polluting.
I could put a brick inside the toilet so less water goes down toilet.

what i can do to conserve water

I can brush my teeth in less time.I can clean the pond,river or stream because out of a thousand skittles one skittle is what we can drink.When you wash dishes you my pore the water down the drain but you can water your plants with the water .

What can I do to conseve water

I would conserve water by putting a milk jug in my toilet to save the water from just going down the drain.Installing a shower head might be expensive,but not as bad as a water bill it saves water so you don't waist as much as taking a shower without one.
Watering a plant at maybe 3:00 is pretty smart because it won't evaporate the water won't evaporate that quick.Also using dish water isn't harmful like the old dish soap.That is what I can do to conserve water.

What I Can Do To Conserve Water?

What I Can Do To Conserve Water

I can save water by fixing leaking pipes,taking shorter showers,taking showers instead of baths.I pick these three because I think that it would help us conserve water.

How to Save Water

To save water you can take more baths. another way to conserve water is to not take as much time in the shower.another way to save water is to fill the sink instead of letting the water run when washing the dishes .

What can I do to conseve water

I can stop flushing the toilet to much.

What Ican do to conserve water

The best way to save water is to take quick shower. Don't let the water drain. fill up the sink then clean the dicses. Water your flowers at night so your plants can get a drink. Take more baths then showers. Don't flush the toilet. Put your milk jug in your toilet.

What can i do to consoure water

You can save water by covering the hole in the sink.Save water by using the water over and over then water your plants at night with the same water you used .Take at lest 7 min to take a bath.

Save water

What Can I do to Conserve Water????

Three ways to conserve water is to fill a milk jug with water and put it in the back of your toilet.The milk jug takes up space and prevents you from using a lot of water.Another way to conserve water is instead of having to water your plants in the day and have the water evaporate you can water them at night.One more way to conserve water is to take showers that take seven minutes or less.Remember that there are more ways to conserve water.

What can I do to conserve water?

We could conserve water by making sure you don't have a leak in any pipes or faucets. We could also reuse our cooking water for watering our plants, and we shouldn't leave the water on while brushing our teeth. I choose these three because I think that if everybody does this then we would be conserving water and have more.

what i can do to conserve water

- When i brush my teeth i could turn off the water when i'm not using it at the time.
- I could try and take a 7 min. shower to save water.
- When my mom washes dishes i can tell her to fill up the sink with water and not run the water the whole time.
- When you water your plants that are outside don't waste water by watering them during the day because the water will evaporate because of the sun.

Why i would do this stuff is because we don't have a lot of water left in the world for every body to use some.So we have to do this stuff to save water.Also, by saving water you could help by cleaning the rivers,lakes, and streams.Or you could keep the water clean so we can reuse it over and over.

What I Can DoTo Conserve Water

One of the things I can do to conserve water is I can take a shorter shower or use a shower head that saves water so I won't waste a lot of water when I take a shower.Another thing is I can put a jar of milk in my toilet so I won't flush a lot of water.Lastly I can tell people to make less newspapers so we don't waste a lot of water making newspapers.

What I Can Do To Conserve Water

I can take a shorter shower or use a shower head to save more water.The reason I chose this was because we could save by taking a shorter shower like a 30 or 40 minute shower not like an hour.The next thing I chose to save water was by watering your plant's at night and not by daylight .The reason I chose this was because if you water your plant's at daylight the water evaporates into the air.If you water your plant's at night the water does not evaporate into the air. Another thing I chose to save water was by doing your hot chocolate with noodle water.The reason I chose this was because you could save less water and your hot cholate still taste the same.

what can i do to conserve water

the top three i chose are

1.turn off your leaky facet

2.take a shorter shower

3. wash your hands in a shorter time

i chose those three because i think there the best way to save water and the planet. because we don't have much water.

what i can do to conserve water

one way to conserve water is to

Three good ways to safe water

If you live by a river get a puget,get
some water, and give it to your plants.
To save water.


What I can conserve water is not to trough trash into the water or should I say pollute water.That makes water yucky.
You could by gallons of water and use them to drink and wash dishes.That would save lots of water and save up more money to by water.
Before you go to bed you could water your plants because during the day the light soaks up the water and at night it soaks into the soil and you aer using the water instead of wasting it.

That's what I would do to conserve water.

What I Can Do To Conserve Water

I can conserve water all kinds of way like putting a bucket outside when it is raining and I can conserve water by turning water off when I am using it.I can conserve water by stop drinking less water and by stop taking a bath very long.

What Can I Do To Conserve Water ?

What I can do to conserve water is to take a shower that is less than 7 minutes or a bath because a bath uses the same amount of water as a 7 minute shower.

I can also reuse water that is used to make meals.So that I will not have to turn the water on again and waste the water.

I can also turn off water when I brush my teeth.So that I will not wastes has much water.

What can I do to conserve water?

Well to conserve water, I can turn off the water when I brush my teeth,or we can get big tanks to hold water in,also by putting buckets outside when it rains. If everyone does this we can save the Earth.

what I can do to conserve water.

I learned there are many ways to conserve water.Take showers under 7 minutes , reuse the water that I use and not pollute water so I can help keep the earth fresh with good water. There is more that I learned but I think these three ways are the best three ways to conserve water out of what I learned.So if we all keep thinking and doing good things to help conserve water we will all have enough water to last.

What I Can To Conserve Water

I can conserve water by collecting rain water and feeding my animals.So that I don't have to waste water from my sink.Another way to save water is to not wash clothes so much because each load takes about 20 gallons of water.Another way to save water is to use all water at least twice like the water you cook or clean to water your plants.

What can I do to conserve water?

Good ways to conserve water is to use non-leaking sinks because, if the sink is leaking all day it wastes 2 gallons of water each day. Also another way is to put a big bottle of milk in the toilet tank because it takes up space so if it takes space it will use less water.Another way is to not let the water running while you are brushing your hair or brushing teeth because you are wasting the water.I hope you at list learned something about not wasting water.


The Water Mestery

What i know from the move we seen. The water is what we need the most. If we don't have water then what are we are going to do if we don't have water .

What Can I Do To Conserve Water ?

First I can print less things.Printing less things saves water because ink is made from ton and tons of water.If you right things down instead of printing even if it hurts your hand it still saves water.

Second I can take showers every other day.If you take showers every day you use more water.On days you do not take showers use perfume and deodorant ,but not too much because that stuff is made of a lot of water.

Finally you can reuse paint water.Instead of getting fresh paint water every day keep it in a jar in the fridge.You can use the same paint water for two months.

Those are ways to conserve water it real fun go ahead and try them you will see it is fun try it try it do not be alone.

What do I need to conserve water

What I need to conserve water is to when you take a shower is wash your don't be in the shower for more than 7 minutes or it will waste water, don't waste your dish water do something to water your plants , and put a bottle of water in the toilet tank.

Wha i do to need

What can

What I Can Do To Conserve Water

What I can do is I can put a brick or jug so it can take up more space and when I flush it it won't use much water. I can water plants at night so it won't evaporate and water it again. I can also put a bucket outside when it rains because rain water is good and you can drink it.

What I Can To Conserve Water

I would put a bottle in the toilet because it could save some water. Next would not flush so much because you don't to waste so much water.Last i would cut off some water but not all of your water because then you can't flush ,or take showers,or baths,or get water.You would half to get a well to get water.

What can I do to conserve water?

Good ways to conserve water is to use a non-leaking sink because, if the sink is leaking the whole day that is about 2 gallons of water wasted everyday. Another good way to conserve water is to use a water-saver shower hear because, you can still take a good shower but you will waste less water. Another good way to conserve water is to take quicker showers because, is everyone takes showers that a lot less water wasted. These are my favorite ideas on trying to conserve water.