Friday, January 25, 2008

[Florinda's Blog] Investigate 3 Summary

Hypothesis- My hypothesis is incorrect because the water didn't soaked.

Summary-First, Cendy gather the materials and then we put a pad under the tub also on the floor so the water won't spill on the floor. Then, Tanner hold a bucket,also Blanca was holding a 50 ml cylinder to catch some of the water. Next, also Cendy unplugged the plug, after that I started to shake the bottle of water to make precipitation. Second,we took turns to shake the bottle, after that we finished with it. Last, we finished with it, we gather our materials to put it away.

Posted By Florinda to Florinda's Blog at 1/25/2008 11:09:00 AM

[Wade's Wicked Blog II] Investigate 3 summary

First, we collected all the materials. Next, we scraped our mud into a slope. Then we sprinkled water onto the slope. After that we watched as the water poured out of the tub & into our sample tube. Then we put a bucket under the tub for all the extra water to run into. After that the water formed a trench in the mud. Then, the hole in the tub got plugged.

Posted By Wade to Wade's Wicked Blog II at 1/25/2008 11:38:00 AM

[Levi's Blog] 1/25/2008 11:39:00 AM

An experiment but with the dirt we used before.we got all the materials again and made the dirt able to run across the dirt. We used the same materials. More water dissolved this time than it did last time. Oh and i hope you like this MOM! Oh and please say yes...

Posted By Levi to Levi's Blog at 1/25/2008 11:39:00 AM

[Blanca's Blog] Investigate 3 summary

My hypothesis was wrong i thought the water was going to evaporation.

First Cendy got the materials and then we got the tub we open the led. The water that we put yesterday was all sticking to the sand.then we took of the plug and we were trying to take of the water that had stuck to the sand.Then we put the plug back were it was.Then Florinda got the sprinkler and then Florinda started to shake the bottle and then she gave it to me and then after a couple of minutes later i gave to Tanner and then tanner told Cendy to hold the budget and then we put the plug back were the hole is then we got the 50ml and we put above the budget that Tanner was holding and we field the 50ml with the stuff that we had in the tub.Then we put the
50ml were the other ones where.then we started to put the materials away.

Posted By Blanca to Blanca's Blog at 1/25/2008 11:21:00 AM

[Tanner's Blog] Investigate 3

My hypothesis was wrong i thought that the water that was left from the last day would evaporate over night but the water did not evaporate.

First we gave jobs to each other. Then we gathered all of the materials.Next we put one of the pads on the floor and the other on the desk. After that i got the buck and Cendy puled the plug out of the tub and i put the buck und3er the hole and a lot of run off happened wail the water was going into the bucket Blanca put the 50ml cylinder under the hole and in the bucket. Florinda sprinkled the wet earth with the rain water and the water started to make erosion the water went into the bucket. Then we let the water drain out of the hole. We put the stopper in the hole and Blanca poured the water out of the bucket outside .....

Posted By Tanner to Tanner's Blog at 1/25/2008 10:44:00 AM

[Alex's Blog] Investigate 3

My hypothesis was correct because it went underground.

Summary-First the getter went to get the materials and the materials are,tub,bucket,pads,the head sprinkler,50ml cup,and the scraper then we started the experiment and the getter went to get water in the bottle so when the getter that went to get the water so when he came back we poured the water and the runoff went into the bucket after that the putter
went to poured the water outside then we started cleaning up the mess and the putters got the materials and put them back on the table
then we wrote the hypothesis and summary.

Posted By Alex's Blog to Alex's Blog at 1/25/2008 11:24:00 AM

[Carlos' Blog] Expeirment

This time I think their was no ground water because the soil was already wet.Although it did create a runoff, and made the sand come out the hole faster.My hypothesis was correct this time because it did create a runoff.

Posted By Carlos to Carlos' Blog at 1/25/2008 11:19:00 AM

[Robert's Blog] Investigate 3 Summary

No!my hypotheses was wrong ran water hits earthen surface it dos not run off the earthes serfes.

Posted By Robert to Robert's Blog at 1/25/2008 11:07:00 AM

[Kiley's Blog:On The Loose #2] Investigate 3 Science Summery

My hypothesis was partially correct. I predicted that the water would runoff,but it ran off and eroded too. But the only thing different about this experiment is that this time the sand and dirt were wet. My hypothesis was wrong because the water ran off, it did runoff it also took some dirt and sand along down the hill with it too. So that's how it eroded and ran off too.


Posted By Kiley to Kiley's Blog:On The Loose #2 at 1/25/2008 11:04:00 AM

[Omar's Blog] Investigate 3 Summary

My hypothesis was correct because the water went underground and into the bucket. ( Summary)First, I got the tub and putted the dirt on a side,then we put 1 liter on the bottle ,
I poured the water on the tub where the dirt was, we let the water pour down until the bottle was empty. I took of the rubber stopper and it went all down the bucket.I cleaned everything and that was all.

Posted By Omar to Omar's Blog at 1/25/2008 10:51:00 AM

[Jonathan's Blog] Investigate 3

My hypothesis was correct because it soaked.

summary-First the getter got the materials tub,bucket,the bottle with the head sprinkle,scraper,50ml cup,and the pads then we started the experiment after that we put water then we gathered the sand to one side so we took the lid off then the we put the 50ml cup so we could filled it up 50ml of water after that we put the 50ml
cup then we let the water go into the bucket so the putter went to throw the water outside and the putter got the pads and cleaned and gathered our materials up.

Posted By Jonathan to Jonathan's Blog at 1/25/2008 10:47:00 AM

[Colby's Blog] Investigate Three Summary

Yes my hypothesis was correct because I predicted that the water would erode the water witch became runoff (water that does not soak into the ground and runs off into a bigger body of water) and the water that did not runoff became groundwater ( water in the ground).

Posted By Colby to Colby's Blog at 1/25/2008 01:08:00 PM

[Houa's Blog] Investigate 3

yes!my hypothesis is correct because when we took off the rubber stopper then put the 50 ml on the hole put the bucket under the 50 ml then move the 50 ml away and the water runoff from the sand and clay and rock and through the hole and put the materials away.

Posted By Houa to Houa's Blog at 1/25/2008 11:04:00 AM

[Cendy's Blog] Investigate 3

Hypothesis-I believe the water is going to soke into the ground.

Summary- My hypothesis was wrong because the
water did not soke into the ground, the ground made
a runoff down to the bucket 0r the cylinder.I think it
didn't soke into the ground because the ground was
already soaked from yesterday.The runoff stared when
precipitation stared falling to ground.

Posted By Cendy to Cendy's Blog at 1/25/2008 10:45:00 AM

[Welcome] Investigate Three Summary

Yes, my hypothesis was correct because I thought that it was going to runoff and the rest of the water went in to the ground.

Posted By Francisco to Welcome at 1/25/2008 10:46:00 AM

[Kyle's Blog] Erosion

Yes, my Hypothesis was correct because when I was shaking the water on the smooth side water just slid down into the hole into the bucket that Trystan was holding. On the side with the slope water did not pass the slope.

Posted By Kyle to Kyle's Blog at 1/25/2008 10:41:00 AM

[Naomi's Blog] Investigate 3 Summary

My hypothesis was correct. Why because when the rain goes to the water the water droplets turn into the comdansed in the atmoshere turn into h2o.

Posted By Naomi to Naomi's Blog at 1/25/2008 10:49:00 AM

[Clarissa's Blog] Investigate 2 Science Summery 2

no my hypothesis was not correct because I though the water was going to become groundwater . so there was no groundwater because the water came all out .

Posted By Clarissa to Clarissa's Blog at 1/25/2008 10:52:00 AM

[Trystan's Blog] Investigate 3 summary

First we first set up the earth then we sprinkled water on the earth and then we collected 50 ml of water. Yes my hypothesis is correct .`

Posted By Trystan S to Trystan's Blog at 1/25/2008 10:41:00 AM

[Ben's Blog] My OTHER Experiment Summary

This time we used wet soil and most of the water --we used a coke bottle and shower head, which represents PRECIPITATION dissolved into the sand clay humus and that stuff --which is called GROUNDWATER-- but some ran into the "lake" --representing RUNOFF-- and was dirtier and grosser than the first time we did this experiment. The second time we did we had to make the ground so we can make the water go down. Let me tell you it looked like a piece of poop! I think the same thing happened as last time except more dissolved into the dirt. The shower head wouldn't spray any more water so we had to go with what we had but thats my experiment summary.

Posted By Ben to Ben's Blog at 1/25/2008 10:41:00 AM

Thursday, January 24, 2008

[Cendy's Blog] Investigate 2

Hypothesis-My hypothesis was right

Summary-At first my group and me gathered
all of our materials. Blanca went out side to get
the sand. Next,we put the gravel,sand,clay,and
humes in the tub. After that, Tanner mixed all
the mixtures together. Second, I sprinkled the
water to the ground witch was precipitation to
it. After that, a runoff was caused and the water
rinsed into th bucket that Florinda was holding.I
full the cylinder exactly 50ml of water. We let the rest
of the water rinse into the bucket that Florinda was
holding. Third, we covered the bucket with the lid.
Last we cleaned everything up,and placed the bu-
cket in the table.

Posted By Cendy to Cendy's Blog at 1/24/2008 11:32:00 AM

[Tanner's Blog] Investigate 2

My hypothesis was not right.It was wrong because i thought that the earth would take the water when i sprinkled the rain on the earth.

First we gave jobs to each other.second we got all of the materials. Third we put the pads under the table and the other 1 we put on top of the table.We put the tub on the edge and sprinkled the earth. The rain ran off the earth and when it to the bucket. Then we cleaned up the materials and wrote a summery about what just happened.

Posted By Tanner to Tanner's Blog at 1/24/2008 11:20:00 AM

[Wade's Wicked Blog II] Investigate 2 summary

First, we put the gravel, clay, and humus in the tub. Next, we collected sand and put it in the tub. Then, we filled our 2 liter bottle with water and put a sprinkler head on it. After that we made a hillside in the tub and poured the water on it. Then, a puddle formed at the bottom of the hill and then it overflowed. After that the water flowed out the hole & into our 50 ml. sample tube. Then, we put a bucket under the hole and waited for the rest of the water to drain out. After that my group put the rubber stopper in the hole, and the experiment joyfully ended.

Posted By Wade to Wade's Wicked Blog II at 1/24/2008 10:51:00 AM

[Kyle's Blog] soil

Yes my hypothesis was correct because everything went has plan because we had smart people on our team.

Posted By Kyle to Kyle's Blog at 1/24/2008 11:25:00 AM

[Ben's Blog] My Experiment Summary

We sprayed the water ,which shows precipitation, into the tub filled with soil. The water then turned to runoff and eroded the dirt. The dirt then was pulled down hill forming another pile of sand. The water that wasn't caught by the other hill was brought into a tube. We then poured the rest of the water that was in the tub into a bucket.

Posted By Ben to Ben's Blog at 1/24/2008 11:34:00 AM

[Francisco's Blog] Investigate Two Summary

My group started off by getting the tub then went to get 1500 ml of sand.Next we put 500 ml of gravel.Then we poured 500 ml of humus.Then put 250 ml of clay. Then we got a rubber stopper and covered the hole in the tub.Then we went to go get the 2 litter bottle and filled the bottle up with water.Next we put the absorbent pads.One on the desk and one on the ground.Next we started mixing the sand,gravel,humus,and clay.Once it is mixed we pour the water from the bottle into the tub keep on shaking but do not squeeze then collect a sample with the 50 ml graduated cylinder and the rest in the bucket then pour the water from the bucket outside.

Posted By Francisco to Francisco's Blog at 1/24/2008 11:11:00 AM

[Blanca's Blog] Investigate 2

My hypothesis was wrong i thought when rain water hits the earth surface it would Evaporate.
Blanca went to go get sand she brought it back then Cendy mixed the sand , clay , gravel and
hum mes.Tanner unplugged the plug, then florinda put the budget under the tub were the hole was.Then tanner put the plug back then shaked the bottle of water to make precipitation.Then we took of the plug and we put put the 50ml under the budget under the tub and then we put the budget under the tub and then we started to put the materials back.

Posted By Blanca to Blanca's Blog at 1/24/2008 10:55:00 AM

[Jorge's Blog] Investigate 2

My hypothesis was correct because it all went to the bucket like it was suppost to and no rocks went down the bucket.

Posted By Alex to Jorge's Blog at 1/24/2008 10:51:00 AM

[Trystan's Blog] Investigate 2 sumery

First I put 1500 ml of sand and 500 ml of gravel and 500 ml of hums and 250 ml of clay in the tub. Then I stared it up. Then I put 1000 ml of water in the tub . then we collected 50 ml of the water.

Posted By Trystan S to Trystan's Blog at 1/24/2008 11:13:00 AM

[Robert's Blog] Investigate 2 Summary

No! my hypothesis was wrong when ran water hits the Earth's surface it does not runoff the earth's surface into a lake ,river.

Posted By Robert to Robert's Blog at 1/24/2008 11:01:00 AM

[Carlos' Blog] Investigate 2 Summary

The water created an runoff down the soil ,and left the rocks behind. It also created erosion because it took the soil with it. My hypothesis was wrong because I thought it would create a pathway in the soil. It actually took almost everything with it creating an erosion.

Posted By Carlos to Carlos' Blog at 1/24/2008 11:29:00 AM

[Florinda's Blog] Investigate 2

My hypothesis is correct.
Blanca went to get the sand outside, then Cendy mixed the sand, gravel, humes, clay.Unplugged the plug, then I put a bucket under the tub . Second, Tanner shaked a bottle of water to make precipitation. Next, the water soaked in the mixtures. Last, we finished with experiment.

Posted By Florinda to Florinda's Blog at 1/24/2008 10:48:00 AM

[Clarissa's Blog] investigate2 summary

yes my hypotheses was correct the water became groundwater I saw it when it went into the bucket I saw a little bit of water left and it become a little river it deposution and it became pollution

Posted By Clarissa to Clarissa's Blog at 1/24/2008 11:10:00 AM

[Houa's Blog] investigate 2

yes! my hypothesis was right because when i saw the water runoff some clay and sand and some water then when there's no more water plug back the rubber stopper.

Posted By Houa to Houa's Blog at 1/24/2008 11:00:00 AM

[Omar's Blog] Investigate 2

My hypothesis was correct because the water went underground and poured down the bucket.

Posted By Omar to Omar's Blog at 1/24/2008 11:19:00 AM

[Kiley's Blog:On The Loose #2] Investigate 2 Science Summery

My hypothesis was partially right. I predicted that the water would runoff...but the water ran off and eroded too. You see it ran off because the dirt and sand was sloped so when we poured the water it just slid down the little hill. It also eroded because as the water slid down the little hill it took some dirt and sand along with it.


Posted By Kiley to Kiley's Blog:On The Loose #2 at 1/24/2008 10:51:00 AM

[Tercy Ann's Blog] bastgat to summery.

We got the tub there was rock in it, so we put sand in the tub, then we mixed the sand with gravel,clay in tub,and then we put the water in the tub then runoff in to the 50 ml cylinder then we wrote what happened.

Posted By Tercy Ann to Tercy Ann's Blog at 1/24/2008 10:52:00 AM

[Alex's Blog] Investigate 2

My hypothesis was correct because the water did go into the bucket.

Posted By Alex's Blog to Alex's Blog at 1/24/2008 10:51:00 AM

[Colby's Blog] Investigate Two Summary

The first thing thing we did to start off the experiment was to put the sand in the tub .Then we mixed the sand with the gravel,clay and,humus.After we completely mixed the materials we were ready to pour the water into the tub with the materials.Soon with the mixture of mud and water it turned to runoff,but not all the water helped the mud erode.Some of the water mixed with the mud and therefore turned into groundwater

Posted By Colby to Colby's Blog at 1/24/2008 12:54:00 PM

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

[Kiley's Blog:On The Loose #2] Hi People!!!

Hi welcome to Kiley's Blog:On The Loose #2

This blog is about school,things that go on in school and other stuff like that.
But,my other Blog Kiley's Blog:On The Loose is about fun stuff,me, and stuff out side of school.So...make sure to go to both. Both of my Blogs are on Mr.C's Class Blog.

Talk to you later

Posted By Kiley to Kiley's Blog:On The Loose #2 at 1/23/2008 06:48:00 PM

Monday, January 21, 2008

[Trystan's Blog] Welcome!!!!!!!

Welcome to Trystan's Blog.

Posted By Trystan S to Trystan's Blog at 1/21/2008 01:14:00 PM

[Kyle's Blog] Hi!

yo whats up peoples its just me the K'man,things have changed since fourth grade, i've grown older,wiser.Well maybe not wiser but way older.anyways i've got this awsome crazy blog and, by the end of the year this will be the most awsome blog EVER!!!!!!! k'man OUT!!

Posted By Kyle to Kyle's Blog at 1/21/2008 01:05:00 PM

[Ben's Blog] Welcome To My Blog

Posted By Ben to Ben's Blog at 1/21/2008 01:08:00 PM