Friday, December 12, 2008

What Can I Do To Conserve Water ?

You can take a shower instead of a bath .
It is better to water your garden in the morning .
Don't leave the water on when you brush your teeth.

How to save water

The people in the U.S.A. only have a little amount of water.We have to reuse the water over and over because run out of water if we don't.There are ways to save water like if you put a milk jug full of water in the back of the toilet to save a gallon of water each time you flush.

When you do dishes you can water your plants with that water when it's dark out because the water won't evaporate as fast or you can water your plants during the day.

You can also change your regular shower head to a power conserver shower head because the people use water to make electricity.

ways to Conserve Water???

You can conserve water by turning the water off when you brush your teeth,you could also water your plants in the morning,another way is to use less water when you take a bath or shower,or don't and try to stop throwing trash in the water,and reuse the water you have again even if you have lots of water.

How I can conserve water

I can save water by taking a shorter shower, this can save water by using and wasting less. I can also save water by biulding a solar powered bike, so I don't have to drink as much water. The only other way I can save water is to not to throw trash in water, if we ruin all of the water it will cost a lot of money and it might send the economy into a depression, forcing people to work even harder which means more water will be consumed and more water will be wasted on keeping us cool or being used to our food.

What I can do to conserve water

Here are three ways to conserve water, one way is to put a large jug like a milk jug in your toilet, use dish water your plants before the sun comes up.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Three things That Can Save Water

We need to check for leaking pipes,turn off water wile brushing your teeth, water plants at night so water doesn't evaporate.

Monday, December 8, 2008

ways to Conserve Water???

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One way to conserve water is to not lit the water hose running or win you are watering the plants . The other way to conserve water is to not wash your clothe every day other way is to first put soop all around the dishes then rob om then wash them so that way you will save water.

What can I do to conserve water?

There are many ways to conserve water but the three I picked is while brushing your teeth you could turn off the water that is so you don't waste water brushing your teeth when the water is running and your not using the water that is going down the drain your just wasting all that water.
Another way to conserve water is to not keep water running when you leave the room because even if the water is still just dripping it is still wasting water. If you let the water drip you should think about how much good water you are wasting.
You should also check for leaky pipes in your house because if the pipes are leaking you are still wasting good water.By wasting good water I mean the water that we drink, take baths in, and cook in are examples of all the good water that we have.

What can I do to conserve water?

well i can ask people to stop polluting the lakes ,rivers ,oceans ,and streams.If they don't i will wake up really early and pick up lakes , rivers ,streams as much as i can. The reason why i can not pick up oceans is because i do not live by one .

I can also tell my sister if she can stop leaving the foset on when she waters the dogs.

What can I do to conserve water?

well i can ask people to stop polluting the lakes ,rivers ,oceans ,and streams.If they don't i will wake up really early and pick up lakes , rivers ,streams as much as i can. The reason why i can not pick up oceans is because i do not live by one .

I can also tell my sister if she can stop leaving the foset on when she waters the dogs.

What can I do to conseve water

One is that I can stop the water from runing wen I brush my teeth. Next I can uses the water from my noddle water and make ice cubes or you can make hot tea. Last but not lest all of us can water our plants be for sun rise or you can clean all the rivers, and all the lacks.

What I Can Do To Conserve Water?

You can take less time taking a shower or fix leaky sinks & reuse noodle water

What Can I Do To Conserve Water ?

1.You can get gutters and put a bucket of some kind under the downspout witch will catch the water.
2. Or you can get this special type of stuff that when it rains it will turn that running water into a mist and that will water your plants or grass at the same time.
3. When you win any type of game and your about to pour that big jug of Gatorade on the coach DON'T ,that is a waste of water.

What can i do to conserve water

I can conserve water by shutting off the water when i brush my teeth,and put a little less water in bath,and when cleaning dishes turn off the water,and when washing your hands turn off the water,and when you comb your hair turn off the water.

What I can do to conserve water

1. Use new products in your home to conserve water- In the movie about water conservation in our class, it talked about changing the water-heads on your shower. Using a different shower-head may conserve water in your home.
2. Do not pollute streams, lakes or rivers- Water in streams, lakes and rivers may still be fresh
water. If it is polluted, then there may not be so much water to drink.
3. Reuse water- Instead of using a little water and then throw the rest away, you can keep reusing the same water from cooking.

What I Can DoTo Conserve Water

ways i can save water 1. put a gallon jar of water in your toilet 2. water your plants at night with dishwater 3. use a shower overhead saver to use less water when u shower, and the reason why i chose these 3whatever they are called is because they use less water so u can use the same water.

What I Can Do To Conserve Water?

What I could do to save less water is to change your shower head to a shower head that uses less water thats one reason.You could pore water to your plants dish water at night so it won't evaporate.

What can I do to conserve water?

The first thing I can conserve water is to reuse water by not using to much water.

The second thing to conserve water is to take quick shower.

The third thing to conserve water is to not flush the toilet to much.

What Ican do to conserve water !!

I could conserve water by the meals that have water I could use it for something else .
I could take short baths or showers. I could pick up trash when some people are polluting.
I could put a brick inside the toilet so less water goes down toilet.

what i can do to conserve water

I can brush my teeth in less time.I can clean the pond,river or stream because out of a thousand skittles one skittle is what we can drink.When you wash dishes you my pore the water down the drain but you can water your plants with the water .

What can I do to conseve water

I would conserve water by putting a milk jug in my toilet to save the water from just going down the drain.Installing a shower head might be expensive,but not as bad as a water bill it saves water so you don't waist as much as taking a shower without one.
Watering a plant at maybe 3:00 is pretty smart because it won't evaporate the water won't evaporate that quick.Also using dish water isn't harmful like the old dish soap.That is what I can do to conserve water.

What I Can Do To Conserve Water?

What I Can Do To Conserve Water

I can save water by fixing leaking pipes,taking shorter showers,taking showers instead of baths.I pick these three because I think that it would help us conserve water.

How to Save Water

To save water you can take more baths. another way to conserve water is to not take as much time in the shower.another way to save water is to fill the sink instead of letting the water run when washing the dishes .

What can I do to conseve water

I can stop flushing the toilet to much.

What Ican do to conserve water

The best way to save water is to take quick shower. Don't let the water drain. fill up the sink then clean the dicses. Water your flowers at night so your plants can get a drink. Take more baths then showers. Don't flush the toilet. Put your milk jug in your toilet.

What can i do to consoure water

You can save water by covering the hole in the sink.Save water by using the water over and over then water your plants at night with the same water you used .Take at lest 7 min to take a bath.

Save water

What Can I do to Conserve Water????

Three ways to conserve water is to fill a milk jug with water and put it in the back of your toilet.The milk jug takes up space and prevents you from using a lot of water.Another way to conserve water is instead of having to water your plants in the day and have the water evaporate you can water them at night.One more way to conserve water is to take showers that take seven minutes or less.Remember that there are more ways to conserve water.

What can I do to conserve water?

We could conserve water by making sure you don't have a leak in any pipes or faucets. We could also reuse our cooking water for watering our plants, and we shouldn't leave the water on while brushing our teeth. I choose these three because I think that if everybody does this then we would be conserving water and have more.

what i can do to conserve water

- When i brush my teeth i could turn off the water when i'm not using it at the time.
- I could try and take a 7 min. shower to save water.
- When my mom washes dishes i can tell her to fill up the sink with water and not run the water the whole time.
- When you water your plants that are outside don't waste water by watering them during the day because the water will evaporate because of the sun.

Why i would do this stuff is because we don't have a lot of water left in the world for every body to use some.So we have to do this stuff to save water.Also, by saving water you could help by cleaning the rivers,lakes, and streams.Or you could keep the water clean so we can reuse it over and over.

What I Can DoTo Conserve Water

One of the things I can do to conserve water is I can take a shorter shower or use a shower head that saves water so I won't waste a lot of water when I take a shower.Another thing is I can put a jar of milk in my toilet so I won't flush a lot of water.Lastly I can tell people to make less newspapers so we don't waste a lot of water making newspapers.

What I Can Do To Conserve Water

I can take a shorter shower or use a shower head to save more water.The reason I chose this was because we could save by taking a shorter shower like a 30 or 40 minute shower not like an hour.The next thing I chose to save water was by watering your plant's at night and not by daylight .The reason I chose this was because if you water your plant's at daylight the water evaporates into the air.If you water your plant's at night the water does not evaporate into the air. Another thing I chose to save water was by doing your hot chocolate with noodle water.The reason I chose this was because you could save less water and your hot cholate still taste the same.

what can i do to conserve water

the top three i chose are

1.turn off your leaky facet

2.take a shorter shower

3. wash your hands in a shorter time

i chose those three because i think there the best way to save water and the planet. because we don't have much water.

what i can do to conserve water

one way to conserve water is to

Three good ways to safe water

If you live by a river get a puget,get
some water, and give it to your plants.
To save water.


What I can conserve water is not to trough trash into the water or should I say pollute water.That makes water yucky.
You could by gallons of water and use them to drink and wash dishes.That would save lots of water and save up more money to by water.
Before you go to bed you could water your plants because during the day the light soaks up the water and at night it soaks into the soil and you aer using the water instead of wasting it.

That's what I would do to conserve water.

What I Can Do To Conserve Water

I can conserve water all kinds of way like putting a bucket outside when it is raining and I can conserve water by turning water off when I am using it.I can conserve water by stop drinking less water and by stop taking a bath very long.

What Can I Do To Conserve Water ?

What I can do to conserve water is to take a shower that is less than 7 minutes or a bath because a bath uses the same amount of water as a 7 minute shower.

I can also reuse water that is used to make meals.So that I will not have to turn the water on again and waste the water.

I can also turn off water when I brush my teeth.So that I will not wastes has much water.

What can I do to conserve water?

Well to conserve water, I can turn off the water when I brush my teeth,or we can get big tanks to hold water in,also by putting buckets outside when it rains. If everyone does this we can save the Earth.

what I can do to conserve water.

I learned there are many ways to conserve water.Take showers under 7 minutes , reuse the water that I use and not pollute water so I can help keep the earth fresh with good water. There is more that I learned but I think these three ways are the best three ways to conserve water out of what I learned.So if we all keep thinking and doing good things to help conserve water we will all have enough water to last.

What I Can To Conserve Water

I can conserve water by collecting rain water and feeding my animals.So that I don't have to waste water from my sink.Another way to save water is to not wash clothes so much because each load takes about 20 gallons of water.Another way to save water is to use all water at least twice like the water you cook or clean to water your plants.

What can I do to conserve water?

Good ways to conserve water is to use non-leaking sinks because, if the sink is leaking all day it wastes 2 gallons of water each day. Also another way is to put a big bottle of milk in the toilet tank because it takes up space so if it takes space it will use less water.Another way is to not let the water running while you are brushing your hair or brushing teeth because you are wasting the water.I hope you at list learned something about not wasting water.


The Water Mestery

What i know from the move we seen. The water is what we need the most. If we don't have water then what are we are going to do if we don't have water .

What Can I Do To Conserve Water ?

First I can print less things.Printing less things saves water because ink is made from ton and tons of water.If you right things down instead of printing even if it hurts your hand it still saves water.

Second I can take showers every other day.If you take showers every day you use more water.On days you do not take showers use perfume and deodorant ,but not too much because that stuff is made of a lot of water.

Finally you can reuse paint water.Instead of getting fresh paint water every day keep it in a jar in the fridge.You can use the same paint water for two months.

Those are ways to conserve water it real fun go ahead and try them you will see it is fun try it try it do not be alone.

What do I need to conserve water

What I need to conserve water is to when you take a shower is wash your don't be in the shower for more than 7 minutes or it will waste water, don't waste your dish water do something to water your plants , and put a bottle of water in the toilet tank.

Wha i do to need

What can

What I Can Do To Conserve Water

What I can do is I can put a brick or jug so it can take up more space and when I flush it it won't use much water. I can water plants at night so it won't evaporate and water it again. I can also put a bucket outside when it rains because rain water is good and you can drink it.

What I Can To Conserve Water

I would put a bottle in the toilet because it could save some water. Next would not flush so much because you don't to waste so much water.Last i would cut off some water but not all of your water because then you can't flush ,or take showers,or baths,or get water.You would half to get a well to get water.

What can I do to conserve water?

Good ways to conserve water is to use a non-leaking sink because, if the sink is leaking the whole day that is about 2 gallons of water wasted everyday. Another good way to conserve water is to use a water-saver shower hear because, you can still take a good shower but you will waste less water. Another good way to conserve water is to take quicker showers because, is everyone takes showers that a lot less water wasted. These are my favorite ideas on trying to conserve water.

Monday, December 1, 2008

What I learned about evaporation and weather in science class

There are several layers in the atmosphere they are the geosphere, hydrosphere, and the thermosphere. The rate of evaporation depends on the surface area. The less surface area there is the slower the evaporation, the larger the surface area the faster the evaporation this is because the liquid can touch more air on larger surfaces and less air on smaller surface area.

What I Lerned In topic 1,2,3

What I learned in science is that the clouds are called cumulus, cirrus ,nimbo,fog, and that's all I rember. And i rember that the water cycle has condensation , evaporation,run-off,ground water.

What I Lerned In topic 1,2,3

I know that the water cycle has condensation,evaporation,transpiration,precipitation ,groundwater,run-off thats all I rember in the water cycle.These are the clouds I rember stratus,nimbo,fog,cirrus,cumuls that all I rember.

What did I learn

I learn about the Water Cycle that liquid changes to gas.The Water Cycle is a thing that pass our world ,and when liquid changes to gas it calls Evaporation.When it rains the water Run-offs and it get into the ground and goes to the water.When it goes to the ground and goes to the water it calls Groundwater.When it rains it calls Precipitation.

The Water Cxcie

I now condensation means the change of gas into a liquid and evaporation means the change of liquid in to a gas . Precipitation rain,snow,sleet,and hail . Troposphere means a loss of water through plants leaves use water up through the plant .Grown water means water in the ground . Run off is water that runs on the surface of the earth.

What I Have Learned

In topic 1 I learned that sunlight can cause different weather depending on what way the sun is tilted.And as you go higher into the atmosphere there is less pressure.In topic 2 I learned that there is a difference on the rate of water evaporation depending on what the water is in.
In topic 3 I learned that the water cycle means : The cycle of water as it goes through the geosphere herosphere and atmosphere.Some types of precipitation are rain,sleet,snow,hail and drizzle.The clouds that are black usually have storms coming they are called cumulonimbus.The ones that are really blanket like are cirrus.

What I have learned about weather in science class

I have learned that there are many different clouds in different weather conditions and seasons. I have also learned that the prefix in a cloud's name could make the definition of the cloud different. I have learned that the tools used to identify the air pressure and temperature are very important for newscasts and other things like farming. I have also learned that the Sun's angle does matter on temperature of the region the Sun's rays are facing at. If the Sun's rays are spread out more, it will be colder. If the Sun's rays are concentrated on a certain area, then the area's temperature would be raised.

What I Learn From The Weather in Science

I learned that there are many types of clouds.There is Nimbostratus,Stratus,Cumulus and Altostratus.
The Water Cycle has three forms.They are liquid,gas,and solid.Rain,snow,and sleet come from a cloud that produces one of the forms.Condensation,evaporation,and precipitation are the most important parts of the water cycle.Precipitation clouds produce rain,hail,snow,and sleet.Condensation is when water changes its form to a gas making a cloud.And finally evaporation.When the water gets warm and rises into the air making a cloud.

Alex L.

What I Have Learned

What I have learned is about the water cycle.the water cycle is a cycle that goes through evaporation, transpiration, condensation, precipitation,run-off,groundwater, and the water cycle is water containing water in the atmosphere, the troposhere, and the hydroshere.Also, the water cycle never stops the cycle even at night time.

The next thing I learned about is some of the names and types of clouds.One of the clouds is the cirrus cloud.The cirrus cloud is a cloud that is really,really, thin and is like a thin blanket.Another cloud is the nimbo- cloud, that cloud contains a kind of precipitation like rain, snow, sleet, or hail.And last of all is the cumulus cloud,that cloud is puffy and has a flat bottom......
The last thing I learned is about precipitation.Precipitation is rain, snow, sleet or hail.Rain is water droplets and snow is frozen rain and sleet is like a barely little bit of rain or snow.Also,there is hail and hail is ice cubes usually occur when there is a tornado they are mostly golf ball size or quarter size.

What I have learned

I have learned about the water cycle ,how it rains or snows and runs off of the ground into pounds lakes or the oceans ,and then it evaporates back into the sky and gathers in the clouds and starts all over again .

I have also learned about the types of clouds . There are 3 types of clouds which are stratus clouds ,they are flat layers of clouds, cummuls cloud ,they are the puffy one,flat based clouds and then the cirrus clouds, they are the high altitude and feathery clouds.

And last of all ,I have leaned about the four types of percipitation , which are rain ,snow,sleet, and hail.There are two types of perciataion that occur when the ground is cold and they are sleet and snow. Then there are two types that from when cold droplets freeze in the air and they are snow and hail . And the ways to measure the perciatation is called a rain gauges or a barometers

I learn about science that the water is the water and air are the cloud that like waters in the at the water that have the see the a way to the cloud that have the water that have the was the water like the water and air and water are the water is the water and the in the cycle.

What I learned

I learned that you can tell the clouds. By high or how they are shaped . And on the news you can see the forecast and you can tell how much rain you get by a rain gage .And a barometer can tell how much air pressure is in your state,country or town .But when you but salt in a container with water and heat up the water it will evaporate and the salt will stay in the the container .And if you put food coloring in water and put a pipe the water will be clear and the coloring will be be in the container .

That you lerned about the think we did.

I learned that the think that we have done is the Cloud cycle cool and I learned that if a cloud is dark it means that the cloud is fell of water. I learnd that the the Water Cycle has ervaperacan mean that the water gos in the air .Cloud and is custodians . condinsan means that the cloud is filled with water.Then I learned all the thank about the water cycle.

What I Lerned about Weather

What I learned about the weather that the sun provides the main energy needed for evaporation of water and 99% of the air we humans breathe is made out of oxygen and nitrogen.Even if the earth never had any plants we could never breathe because we humans breathe oxygen.And when water droplets that go into the air by plants is called transpiration. Even the earth has different kinds of clouds like the "cirrus,stratus,and cumulus."I have also learned something called "The Water Cycle."Water cycle means"When a movement of water goes through the geosphere,atmosphere,and the hydrosphere."I have learned more things,but that is all I can say for now.

what we have learnd

We have laernd what kind of clouds there are. Like clumus cirrus sratus and we have lernd what kind of wether. And preciputation rain snow sleet hail . the water cycle goes though the the trodosperher. and how would you make a new invirerment .
We have lerned how soup bout flout and how they they sink.and ivery soup would not flout .we made tin foil bouts and put marbles in them .to see if they would flout.Then we laerd how to make wooden bouts to see if the would flout.

What I Have Learned

What I have learned is that water vapor is when water is the gas state.Humidity is the amount of water in the air.Air pressure decreases as altitude increases.
I have also learned about three kinds of clouds.They are the cirrus,stratus,and the cumulus.
The cloud that is named cirrus is a high altitude cloud with a feather like shape made of ice crystals.
The cloud that is named stratus it is a cloud that forms a blanket like layer.The cumulus is a cloud that is a puffy cloud that appears to rise up from a flat surface.
I also know that there is another word for humidity and it is a relative humidity it means that it is the amount in the air compared to how much water in the air could hold.Condensation means that when a gas changes to a liquid.Evaporation means when a liquid changes to a gas.

What I Have Learned

I have learned that water vapor is water in the state of gas.Humidity is the amount of water in the air.Air pressure decreases as the altitude increases.
I also know how the water cycle works.Water cycle means movement of water through the hydrosphere,geosphere, and atmosphere.Condensation is when gas is changed to a liquid.Precipitation is rain,snow,sleet,or hail.A run-off is water that runs off Earth's surface,evaporation is when a liquid is changed to a gas.Groundwater is water in the ground.
I know what the three types of clouds are.A puffy,flat based cloud is a cumulus cloud.A feathery cloud is a cirrus cloud.And a blanket like cloud is a stratus cloud.
As you can see this is all of the things i have learned so far.

What Learned In Science So Far

Topic 1 I learned that around the earth is Atmosphere.The sunlight is the energy that helps the electricity.The Hydrosphere takes through the water cycle.
Topic 2 I learned that Water Cycle is the path water takes through the hydrosphere,geosphere,and atmosphere.the precipitation is when water fall from the atmosphere to the earths surface as rain snow,sleet,or hail. Topic 3 I learned that runoff is when water run off stream,lake,and river.The evaporation when water changes from gas to a liquid.


What I learned in Topics 1,2,and3.

Water Cycle
I have learned that the water cycle has a lot of steps to learn like transpiration and what that means is that water goes into the atmosphere from plants.Another one is ground water which means water in the ground.Oh there is seven steps. The next one is runoff it means water that runs into rivers,steams,lakes,and oceans. Precipitation is snow,sleet,rain,and hail.Condensation is when water changes form from a gas to a liquid.Evaporation is when water changes form from a liquid. The last one is the water cycle and it is a path that water goes though the Hydrosphere, Geo sphere, and the Atmosphere.


There is many different types of clouds there is three main clouds and they are the stratus,cumulus,and the cirrus.the stratus cloud is a cloud that forms in a blanket like layer. The cumulus cloud
is a puffy cloud that appears to raise up from a flat bottom. And the cirrus cloud is a high altitude cloud with a feather like shape made of ice crystals.

What I Have Learned

What i have learned some things we learned was cool it was some are Evaporation, Condensation, Transpiration, Ground Water, Precipitation, runoff,Water Cycle.It was fun washing some of the moves of clods some big and some are small clods.they can mack dogs ,cats and other animals.I love what i have learned.

What I Learned About Wether

topic 1 I learned a lot of things in topic 1. I learned that air pressure is weight in the air and i learned that atmosphere is the gasses that are around the earth.
Topic 2. I learned more things in topic 2. I learned that pit persons pipes were not liking .Pit persons pipes were not liking because the more surface area of water exposed to the air .The faster the water will evaporate .Doug Savage isn't looking at the whole experiment he is looking for the food coloring .Topic 3. I learned a lot more things in topic 3. I learned that rain, sleet, snow,and hail are types of precipitation. the other thing I learned in TOPIC 3 is that the stratus , cumulus,AND CIRRUS are types of clouds .Stratus cloud is a cloud that forms in a blanket. Cumulus cloud is a puffy cloud appears to rise up from a flat bottom .Cirrus cloud is a high altitude cloud with

What we learn in science

We learn that water gives off evaporation and that is the water cycwl.

What I learned

Water Cycle

Evaporation water changes from a liquid to a gas. .
Condensation a gas changes to a liquid. Runoff water runs off the ground. Groundwater is water in the ground. Water Cycle is the movement of Hydrosphere, Geosphere and Atmosphere .


There are also the three types of clouds called cirrus,cumulus and status.

by: Marlene

What I learned in science

In the first topic we talked about that their are three lays in the atmosphere the lays change when the tempter changes.Sunlight gives off energy.Air pressure is measured by a barometer.

In the next topic we talked about evaporation.Something evaporation faster then other things because it has something around it

What I have leaned in topic's 1,2,and3

Water Cycle

I learned that evaporation is when a liquid turns into a gas. I also learned that run-off is water running on the surface of the earth, ground water is water in the ground, and condensation is when gas is turned in to a liquid.


I learned about the three main types of clouds there is stratus, cumulus, and cirrus. The stratus cloud is the type of cloud that forms a blanket like form. The cumulus cloud is a puffy cloud that rises from the flat bottoms.The cirrus cloud is a high altitude cloud.

Mackenzie Bryant

Monday, November 24, 2008


Air pressure . the higher you go up the less air pressure the lower you go down the more air pressure there is .

Water vapor is water in the air .In science court I learned that if you boil water then put food coloring into it then let it boil for a little more then pour through the pipes and the water that has the food coloring in it will come out clear.

Water cycle the cycle of water that goes through the geosphere , atmosphere &hydrosphere.

What I Learned in Science

I lerand that cirrus is a could that is kind of puffy and spreads in the sky and I lerad that the whaer when gets fog outside that its from the water and the sun and that is fog gose . i lerad that the water cylel like fammer john was mouing and it was raining and all of the drit went in the river and it and the river was drity that is our drinkes we drink sometimes and wot we swimm

What I Learn From The Weather.

what I learned was that the air pressure there is water evaporation .
And what know about the types of clouds is that wine the cloud is way up in the sky thy are cirrus and wine the are really puffy and gray they are stratus. They are three types of cloud cumulonimbi ,struts ,and cirrus.And stratus is cloud that forms in blanket like a layer .


This year in 5th grade we have learned alot in Science, but I especially liked it when we learned about the atmosphere.
The atmosphere is full of great wonders like the sunlight or air pressure.When you are in the atmosphere as you go up like in a plane or climbing a mountain the air pressure decreases, but as you go down like digging a hole or walk down into the Grand Canyon it increases.
Sunlight is the reason we are able to live on Earth without the sun we wouldn't be able to live on Earth!At the equator the sun rays are more concentrated that is why it is so much warmer at the equator,and at the poles it's alot less concentrated then at the equator.
Evaporation is one of many reasons for weather .Without evaporation we would have no weather at all!What is it called when a large amount of water vapor is in the air all at once?If you guessed "humid" you are correct! When water vapor touches a cold surface it condenses into tiny water droplets .When water evaporates it takes nothing with it into the air.The rate of evaporation can be very slow or some what fast. If you took two cups of water and dump one cup and let the other sit the one on the ground will evaporate before the other one.
The water cycle is stupendous!The sun is a big part of evaporation the sun evaporates the water , and the water turns into water vapor then the water vapor condenceses into a cloud, then the cloud rains precipation after that t runs into larger bodies of water or into the ground.
Clouds are wonderful!The types of clouds are Cirrus, Cumulus,and Stratuss. Nimbo-is means middle.Alto- means snow.the types of precipation like rain,sleet,sno,or hail.


As you increase in altitude air pressure decreases .As you decrease in altitude air pressure increases . At the equator it is hotter there because the sun's rays are more concentrated there.The conditions in the atmosphere at any given time is called weather .
The sun provides the main energy source needed for evaporation.The larger the surface the faster it evaporates.The smaller the surface the slower it evaporates.The three layers in our atmosphere are hydrosphere,geosphere,and troposphere.
The 7 clouds are cirrus,stratus,cumulus,nimbocumulus,nimbostratus,cumulus alto,stratus alto.A cirrus cloud is a wispy like cloud and at a very high altitude .A stratus cloud is a blanket like cloud and is at a low altitude.cumulus cloud is a puffy like cloud and is at the same altitude as the stratus cloud.The nimbocumulus cloud and the nimbostratus cloud are at the same as the cumulus and the stratus clouds and there storm clouds.The cumulus alto and the stratus alto are in between the cirrus and the stratus clouds.

The water cycle

I learned that the water cycle goes through the hydrosphere,geospere,
atmosphere. The water goes through evaporation-when a liquid changes to a gas,then it goes through condition-when a gas turns to a liquid,then it goes through perspiration-it is when water is running though a leaf to the clouds,after that when it rains the water is going down mountain it is called runoff water then some of the runoff water is getting sucked up into the ground that is called groundwater, thats all I know about the watercycle

What i know

I know that the water cycle has condensation,evaporation,transpiration,runoff,groundwater, and precipitation that is all I remember in the water cycle.
These are the clouds I know status cloud,cumulus cloud,nimbo stratus cloud, nimbo cumulus cloud,cirrus cloud,and fog.Thats all I know about clouds.

What I learned in science so far

In topic 1 I learned about air pressure,the suns rays and the ways it effecs our lives. I alresdy knew that air pressure was pressure on us caused by the weight of the air, but I didn't know that it changed as you traveled higher or lower in the atmosphere.The suns light is not just light, it is also heat.The suns solar rays are more concentrated in some places, like the equator and less concentrated then others, like the north and south poles. Incoming solar radiation or insolation for shortis when the suns rays are heading towards Earth. For instance if you leave a chocolate bar out on the equator, it will probably melt, but if it is at the north pole it might not melt.

In topic 2 I learned about the atmosphere and weather. Water can enter the atmosphere 2 ways, transpiration and evaporation. Evaporation is when water gets hot enough toturn into a gas and enter the atmosphere from water. Transpiration is when plants release water into the atmosphere.Weather is whats happening in one part of the atmosphere at any given time.There are 4 types of precipitation hail, rain, sleet and snow. If it is a rain cloud it will have the prefix nimbo- on it like nimbostratus cloud.

In topic 3 I learned about the water cycle. There are 6 steps in the water cycle, evaporation, condensation, transpiration, precipitation, runoff and groundwater. Precipitation is rain, snow, sleet or hail. Evaporation is when water changes to gas. Transpiration is when plants release water into the air. Condensation is when water changes in to a liquid. Runoff is water that runs on the surface of the Earth. Groundwater is water underground.

That is what I learned in science so far.

What I Learned About Wether

I learned that water evaporation more quickly in the ground than in a cup.It is because the glass is around the water in the cup.I learned that there is water in the air,and it can get in on cups,pipes,and everything that holds water.I learned that precipitation is rain,snow,sleet,and hail.Transpiration is plants giving out water.Water cycle is the moving of water threw the atmosphere,troposphere,and geosphere .

What I Learned in Science

In science I have been learning about the Water Cycle.The Water Cycle, is a cycle of water changing into a gas then back to a liqiud.First there is run-off,run-off is when water that runs off into a river,lake, ocean,or into a stream and sometimes run-off
soaks into the ground and turns to ground water .
Ground water is water that is in the ground.Then there is evaporation which is when water turns into a gas and goes
into the air.After evaporation there is condensation,condensation is when a gas
changes to a liquid.Then there is precipitation, precipitation is when water changes to rain,sleet,snow,or hail then eventually it falls.Then after it falls transpiration
is released from plants then gores in the air.after all this development you have the
Water Cycle.

What I learnd in science!

I learned about evaporation & that is when a liquid changes to a gas ,I also learned about condensation & it's water that changes from a gas to a liquid& precipitation is rain; snow; sleet; or hail , & transpiration is water realist into air by plants ,also runoff is water moving on the surface of the earth , &ground water that's water underground , and water cycle & it's the movement hydrosphere ; geosphere ; & atmosphere ,also atmosphere witch is is air around the earth ,geosphere island on earth , hydrosphere is water on earth .

What I learned in science

I learned a lot including how the suns rays work. I learned that the suns rays are more concentrated on the equator and that they are a form of radiation. I also learned that a barometer is used to measure air pressure and what a rain gauge was.
I learned about what order the water cycle went in:evaporation, condensation, precipitation, runoff or groundwater, and so on. I also learned the different types of clouds: stratus, cumulus, and cirrus. I also learned that you add nimbo to a cloud name to make it a rain cloud or adding alto to a cloud meant in the middle.
Another thing I learned is that the temperature matters on which it will rain, snow, sleet, or hail. Like if it is freezing it would snow, sleet, or hail.

What I Learn From The Weather.

What I learn about the weather unit is that without the water cycle , clouds we wouldn't be that warm and the water cycle helps us and the trees. Condensation,evaporation,transpiration are important for me because the evaporation cools off your body.When you sweat that means that your playing hard or maybe your and a box because the box traps the heat but your sweat evaporates slow with out evaporation you will die because your sweat doesn't evaporate and your like heat.

So far in science class we have been talking about floating and sinking.For something to float it can be light or heavy weight.For something to sink it can be light or heavy weight.

I have leaned about the water cycle.It's parts are evaporation,condensing,precipitation,run-off and groundwater.

We have also learned about the five types of clouds.There are Cirrus,Alto cumulus,Stratus,cumulus and Cumulonimbus.

We leaned about demonstration of evaporation.The problem was to see what happened when the water evaporated.Then when it was done the salt and food coloring were left behind.

What I learned about weather

I learned that weather is that clouds are the cirrus cloud,cumulus cloud, and stratus cloud.I even learned that atmosphere is air around the earth.Evaporation is a liquid that shanghes to a gas.

what ive learned in science

i have learned about the earth revolving around the sun.I have learned that when the sun is higher in the sky it is warmer and when it is lower it is colder.I have learned about stratus clouds and how they look like cotton balls.I have learned about cirrus clouds how they are like feathers and cumulus clouds are lower in the sky and fluffy.I have learned about the water cycle and what these words mean.condensation-when a gas changes into a liquid.evaporation-when a liquid changes into a gas.transpiration-when water is put into the atmosphere by plants. runoff-water that runs on the ground.ground water-water in the ground.water cycle-the cycle of water that goes through the geosphere,atmosphere,and hydrosphere. this is what i have learned so far this year.

What I Have Learned.

What i have learned is that in topic 1, we learned about the atmosphere and the angle of the sun and what i have learned is that there is 7, places in the atmosphere . And we would learn about the Water Cycle the water cycle has 6 places the one i know very much is groundwater,runoff,precipitation,and evaporation. and something else i learned is there are 4 clouds called stratus, cumulus ,cirrus, and fog . fog is the cloud that is on ground the stratus cloud is the blanket like cloud,the cirrus cloud is the feather like cloud ,cumulus cloud is the puffy looking cloud.And we learned about the troposphere,barometer,air pressure,and the weather,and we learned about why you spill water on the floor and it dries up and in a glass the water does not evaporate .and Mr.C also showed us his class blog and it has different things on it has science court in science court i learned that when water is in a dish it just dries up but when it's not in a dish it does not evaporate . And sometimes mr.c would give us tests about what you have learned the past few months and we have to study when you have quizzes about what you have learned in science.

What i learned in science atmosphere,air pressure,and the water cycle. the first thing i learned was the atmosphere,the troposphere,and the hydrosphere,also the geosphere .air pressure is meashered by a barometer. evaporation and the water cycle. evaporation is like water vapor ,humidity,and relative humidity.the water cycle is a cycle of water that passes through the hydrosphere,geosphere,and atmosphere. parts of the water cycle are precipitation,rain,runoff,and groundwater. i also learned the cloud types like stratus,cumulus,cirrus,and fog.thats what i learned in science.

The water cycle

What is the water cycle?The
water cycle is the movement of
water that goes through the troposphere,
geosphere, and the atmosphere.There are four
things that make the water cycle .They are evaporation,
transpiration,condensation,and perception.
Evaporation is liquid changed
to a gas.Transpiration is when water
releases in the air by a plant.Condensation is
when gas changed to a liquid.Perception is

What I learned.

I learned in topic 1 that there is four layers in the of them are the troposphere which is where all the moister is. I mean thats where there are clouds and is where precipitation happens.I also learned about barometers and thermometers. Barometers measure air pressure and thermometers measures temperature.

In topic 2 I learned how water evaporates and how condensation ac cures with water vapor and humidity. See when theres water vapor in the air it causes humidity. When that warm wet air touches something cold the molecules condense and form water droplets. that is when condensation ac cures.

Now in topic 3 I learned about the water cycle , clouds, and types of precipitation. these are the types of precipitation snow,rain, sleet or hail.these are the 3 types of clouds. Stratus which is blanket like. Cumulus which is big and puffy.Cirrus which is nice and wispy.

What I learned in topic's 1,2 and3

In topic 1 I have learned about the sunlight, and air pressure.
What I have learned about sunlight is that sun's rays hit Earth at it's lightest.What I have about air pressures that the higher you go in the atmosphere the less air pressure.

I n topic 2 I have watched and studied ''SCIENCE COURT''.
What I learned in ''SCIENCE COURT'' is that water can form on the outsides of anything that has water in the object.

In topic 3 I have learned about the Water cycle, and clouds.
What I have learned about the Water cycle is that it has many steps.What I learned about clouds is that the different clouds are Cirrus,Stratus,and Cumulus.

what I learned in science

In topic 1 I learned the troposphere is where all the air is and every thing living is.In the same topic i learned that sunlight matters because if it is a rocky surface it will be very hot but if it is smooth it is not very hot.Did you now that as you go higher in the atmosphere the air pressure increases but as you go lower the air pressure decreases. In topic 2 i learned why things evaporate faster then others some evaporate faster because they a are near a hot surface if buy a cool surface it may freeze.In topic 3 i learned the 7 special word precipitation condensation runoff groundwater transpiration water cycle evaporation.

What I Have Learned


What I have learned about clouds is that the 3 main clouds are;Cirrus the highest cloud,Cummles puffy like a blanket and it is in the middle, last but not least Stratus cloud is the lowset cloud and it is puffy.


I have learned that the water cycle has lots of parts to it I am going to tell you them;Groundwater water thta is in the grond,Run-off water that is running on earth suface,Percipatation rain,snow,sleet,and hail,Transportation water realesed into the air by a plant,Condonsation a gas changing into a liquid,Evaporation liquid changes into a gas, and last but not laest the water cycle water that gose though the geosphere,atmosphere,and hydrosphere
The types of percipation are rain,snow,sleet,and hail.

Science Court

I laerned that water in the air exists.Dug Savages glass of water was wet on the outside. When Dug was demastrtheting the water cycle he was doing it wrong. So Dug Savage was guilty.

When the sun is at morning it is not very hot but at noon it is very hot.It is very hot because it is hitting the equatot.

Air Pressur
I learned that the higher raise the less air pressur there is.The lower you go the more air pressur ther is.

That is What I Have Learned in Science!

What I Lerned i topic 1,2,3

I learned that you no that A storm is coming by the cumulus cloud .

And that strides is flat like a blanket .

And cirrus is spired

this is what i learned in topic 1 ,2, & 3 in science

I have learned most of the moisture in the air is in the troposphere in topic 1.

I have learned somethings evaporate faster than others because it is not in something in topic 2.

Last but not least I made a rap to remember what I have learned in topic 3 say it to yourself

Yea here goes
it goes condensation , evaporation
runoff , groundwater
pr , pr ,precipitation

yea yea you should try it

That is all I know.

What I Learned

I learned many things in the weather topics.I learned that the temperature is the cause of weather.I also learned that the higher you go to the atmosphere the more the temperature changes. I also know that when water changes to a gas it is called evaporation.I also learned that the path water takes is the water cycle.Precipitation is rain ,snow ,sleet, or hail. I also learned different types of clouds.I learned that stratus covers the sky, cirrus is the highest cloud , and that cumulus is cotton like.Those are the things I learned.

What I Have Learned

What I learned

I learned many things in science on topic 1, 2, and 3.
In topic one I first learned about the atmosphere. The atmosphere is four layers of the earth. Troposphere is the main layer of the atmosphere, it has clouds and human and animal life. Next I learned about sunlight. The more direct sunlight the hotter it is. Then, I learned about air pressure. Air pressure is measured by a barometer. The higher you go up the less air pressure there is.
In topic 2 I learned this. First i learned the the amount of water in the air is called humidity. Next, I learned about the rate of evaporation. Rate of evaporation is when water is at a hotter place it will evaporate faster then when water is cooler. Also when water is spread out it evaporates faster then when it is closer together.
In topic 3 I learned this. I learned about the water cycle. There are 6 parts of the water cycle, Precipitation, run-off, groundwater, transpiration, evaporation, and condensation. I also learned about some of the types of clouds. Cirrus is a high and puffy cloud. Cumulus is low and puffy. Stratus is the lowest and it gives precipitation. I learned about types of precipitation. Rain is when water falls and the ground is warm. There is also warm ground when hail falls. When there is cold ground, sleet and snow falls, and thats when the air is cool.
As you can see we learned about many things.

.What I Learned

Clouds are like puffy cotton candy but there not. The stratus cloud is a cloud that forms in a blanket like layer. The cumulus cloud is a puffy cloud that appears to rise up from a flat bottom.The cirrus cloud is a high altitude cloud with a feather like shape,made of ice crystals and the fog cloud is a cloud that forms at ground level. The water cycle means continuosus movement of water between Earth's surface and the air changing from liquid to a gas ( hydrosphere, geosphere and atmosphere).Precipitation means snow, sleet, rain and hail.Run-off means water that runs into rivers,lakes and oceans.Ground water means water in the ground.Evaporation means water that changes from a liquid to a gas. Transpiration means water realeased by plants.Condesation means water changes from a gas to a liquid.

Just Dessert

Once there was a little girl named July. She was picky and spoiled.Her and her mom went to a store to get a pumpkin to make a pie. When they got to the store July said there`s a ton of pumpkins to pick from! after 30 minutes they had picked a pumpkin and went home. were making the pie. as July`s mom lowered the knife and the pumpkin started to glow but when she lowered the knife lowered the knife more the pumpkin just kept getting brighter but as the knife punchered the pumpkin it stopped glowing.
The next day they woke up to glass breaking, it was their neighbors. They had went to the same store as July and her mom. They were screaming.
July had found out that they were pranks the store had put out.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Big Action Day 2008 Poverty

Poverty, poverty is when having little or no money,food,or having no home.Some of the U.S.A is living in poverty.If people would start helping more people that are living in poverty maybe the U.S.A will be living in poverty in the future.Why don't people help?


Poverty! How come some countries have poverty?Explain why?

Come look at my blog

Year 08-09 Click the link to my blog.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Blogging Tiger Award for Social Studies

Congratulations, Vanessa on your Blog Action Day post on poverty. You receive the coveted, and rarely awarded Blogging Tiger Award for Social Studies. Here is the link to her post. Go there and congratulate Vanessa on her award.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

30000 hits and counting

cool i thought it would be nice to commet and i want to say wow

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Blog Action Day 2008 poverty

I learned that poverty is being without no money,and no shelter to live in.

Blog Action Day Poverty is Bad

Poverty is bad it can strike at any time it could happen to anyone at any time if you or anyone in you're family is rich try to help people who are in Poverty.

Blog Action Day 2008 Poverty

Poverty could happen anytime, or anywhere. Poverty is the condition of no money, no food, no place to live, and sometimes, nothing to eat. Poverty can happen to anyone. People might make fun or tease others because they're below the poverty line but no one should be laughing. People out there need a shelter and food. 12% of the United States live under the poverty line. That's 12 out of 100 people. There are over 6 billion people that live on Earth. People below the poverty line live in beat-up cars, old trailers, and sometime nowhere. But people can make that change. Instead of buying a toy, put some of that money in a charity. 1 person may not be a lot, but everyone can make a change.

blog action day

Poverty is someone that lost hims houses.Sometimes they have to live in caves or sometimes they have to make the houses of trash.The people that they don't have money but they have houses like trailors olds.The trailors that they have has holes in the roof.They have to use a big pis of wood and they dont have chairs.

Blog Action Day 2008 poverty

Poverty is no home, no supplies, and no money

blog action day 2008 poverty

Poverty- having no money or supplies being poor

blog action day

I know that poverty is like when you are poor well living on the street or shak or any where els that is not in a home or any thing that is nothing like a home .you are also under the poverty when you have no money or goods and when you don't fell safe like you might have at your house.

Blog Action Day

Blog Action Day is about Poverty.Poverty is when you have little or no money or supplies, in other words being poor.In the United States it's 12%.In Haiti 80%!!
Poverty is bad some people live in cars some people live in caves.To avoid poverty happening to us. We need to go to collage to have a good job.And avoid poverty!

Blog action day 2008

Poverty can strike at any time. Just think, your driving to pick up your kids at their school, next thing you know you wake up in a ditch about 40 feet from the road,you see your car smashed and a semi rammed into it.You find out later that you broke your right arm, left leg and your nose in the accident.The doctor says you cant work for at least 12 months.Soon your family won't be able to pay bills, buy food or get a good education.The worlds country that has the highest percent of people that are below the poverty line is Haiti, 80 percent of the people that live in Haiti are below the line.The federal government says a family of 4 making less than 20,614 dollars a year is below the poverty line.Most people think that $20,614 is a lot of money. Well by your self it is, but think of a family of four.They might go hungry 4 days a week or they might be killed by diseases.The United States poverty percent is12% and climbing. Be thankful for what you have because a lot of people probably don't have it.

Blog Action Day 2008 Poverty!!!!!!!

Poverty???What is Poverty???Poverty ~the state or condition of having little or no money,goods,or means of support;condition of being poor;indigence.At your home I bet you have T.V , shelter (warmth),your safe,comfortable,rooms,an a nice aroma,and a computer.Think about it what if you didn't have all that???Here is the kid friendly version of Poverty *Poverty :-) ~having no money or supplies;being poor. Did you now right now thirty-million families live below the poverty line??!!"What is the poverty line?" you ask the poverty line is where a whole family's income for a whole year is $20,614 dollars.That income goes for the most of basic shelters,electricity , health,appliances,Child Care,transportation,and food!!!!!!! Their income doesn't even cover all that!!!!!!!!Here is something for you to now the United States of America's Poverty percent is 12% and Mcdonald County's Poverty percent is 21% more than the National's.

Blog Action Day 2008 Poverty

Poverty it is when you are poor, That could happen at any time any place it is when you have to pay lots of thing like your car your home, you could lose all of that in a snap so poverty is bad!!!!!

Blog Action Day 2008 Poverty

Having no money or supplies,being poor

Poverty means that poor people who need help to survive form huger and cloth even baths .And to get jobs.

Blog Action Day 2008 Poverty

I know that poverty means having very little money,no food,and no shelter.If you don't have a shelter that means that you don't have a place to bathe,sleep,concentrate on doing your homework,play,or watch television.I think that we should help people out there with no home,place to eat or bathe.

Blog Action Day 2008 poverty

I think poverty means being poor or having no money.

blog action day poverty

poverty is when someone has little or no money.people in poverty might have to bathe in a creek or live in a house with strangers and some times make up to 1 or 2 dollars a day.

Blog Action Day 2008 Poverty

What i know about poverty is that the word means the people that don't have money or a home.People get poor by having money and then not having anything because they have to pay bills.After there money is gone they get kicked out of there home because they can't afford to pay there home. Now the United States is 12% of poverty and Haiti is 80% of poverty.

blog action day poverty

Poverty is when people have a little bit of money or no money at all and no shelter. And a lot of people give money and toys .

Blog Action Day 2008 Poverty

I know poverty means to have little money and have no were to live or nothing to eat.I've had a friend that was almost the same as the people who had no money.

Blog Action Day 2008 Poverty

Poverty is: someone that is poor,or that is not rich.My teacher Ms . blakemore has met a little girl who was poverty and she is now older.

Blog ActionDay 2008 poverty

Poverty is when someone takes bath in street's . And when they don' t have a home and when they have to work in two gob's day and night.

Blog Action Day 2008 poverty

Poverty is sad because people that does not have a home they can not take a bath.If they can not take a bath they will smell.

blog acttion day poverty

Poverty is some one that is poor not rich on the streets not good clothing no house needs a place to stay they don't take baths don't have much toys to play with no cars to get to work faster have hard working jobs.

blogactionday poverty

Poverty is when people have no home . people are homeless,and have no money.some people are hungry and embarrassed to tell people they are homeless .

Blog Action Day Today

Today is blog action day.Do you know what blog action day is?Blog action day is when we talk about poverty.Poverty is when somebody is poor;has no money;needs shelter.When you see someone poor give them something.Sometimes poor people will say that they are ritch but they are lying.But you never know if poor people are lying.Thats what I know about poverty.

Blog Action Day Poverty is Bad

Poverty means the state or condition of having little or no money, goods, or means of support; condition of being poor; indigence.

Blog Action Day of poverty

Poverty means being poor you could sometimes lose a job and live on the street.There are about 80% of poverty in Haiti and 12% in United States.We should help the people that don't have a home and anything to play with.That is what poverty mean and how much of poverty are in Haiti and United States.

Blog Action Day

What i know about poverty is that in the United States is 12 percent and in Guam is about 23 percent . Blog action day is pretty cool poverty mean's being poor and having very little money and some people loose there home because they have very little money and they live on the street's.


EN canada ai muchos pobres I tienen que tener mucho dinero para comprar

loque cieran para sus ninos I parace puedan tambien para eyos

care about poverty

We should stop poverty by giving poor people money to start off with and thats what I think about poverty i hope you liked my story about poverty.

Why poverty is important?

It is important to help people in proverty beacuse in the future we might be in proverty. We should also help people in poverty beacuse it will make you feel good to help people.Poverty is when you do not have anything to eat and go hungry.Why is there more people in poverty in Haiti than the united states?What can we do to help?

We should care about poverty

We should care about poverty because one time you might be the one who needs help.You might be thinking whats poverty.Poverty is like when you don't have anything in your refrigerator and go to sleep hungry or poor.If you have too many stuff donate it to the poor people.Don't throw it alway give it to someone they might appreciate what you just have done.So thing of the people that go to sleep hungry.


Some plays are poverty it is a sad thing to see I thick we should help those plays because I really believe we can make them better plays.


Some countries have high poverty. While some countries have less poverty. Like Haiti has more poverty than Guam because Haiti is a poor country.Guam is a rich country and Guam has less . How can we help Haiti have less poverty. Should we help country that have high poverty NO we should help countries that have poverty really high and low.


IN many countries their is poverty. Poverty means poor and some times it means very poor.

In Canada poverty was only 10 percent but in other countries there is about 80 percent of poverty.Some people donate toys,and money.

Some people should ask them shelves what can they do to stop poverty?

Should we care about poverty around foreign countries?

Yes, we should care about poverty because, we might think about visiting a foreign country. If you needed to go and get something to eat, and the foreign country was Haiti, well Haiti has 80% of poverty in that country, What would we eat, more than have of the country is so poor, would they have enough money to have a decent place to eat at? What if we got attached to someone, and became good friends? If they died because of poverty, how would we feel? Bad. Someday you might be in poverty, and someday if you helped someone that was in poverty, they may not be in poverty and could help you, if you were in poverty. Anyone can change, if they wanted to, do you want to? People need you!

We should care about poverty.

About 5,000 people die every single day. We can make that stop .We need to find a way to make it stop.It is up to us to make a difference.

We should care about poverty!

We should care about poverty because if them people with poverty were us and we were them we would probably want them to help us! So we should help them I think!


How can we stop poverty? Well we can look it up and we can help people . It will help us so much it will be great for us it is great.


Why do some countries have more poverty than others?How does poverty increase and decrease? How is poverty made?

Proverty The U.S. National Line.

I think people that are poor have bad times and that they don't have good times because they have to work to and buy food for them to survive .

nation's poverty

National poverty

Hi my name is Xavier.I live in Haiti. I can't even go to school I am so poor.I have two sisters and one brother their names are Sarah , Sammy , and Alex.None of us can go to school.We are so poor we can't even eat.So please please help poverty or me and my family will die.

The End

The lesson learned here is to help poverty.

My Idea About Poverty

I think that poverty should stop I think the government should loan them some money to start out with.And when they get money to start out with they can get a job and later they get more money to feed there family.I know its a long process but it just might work and if it does it will save many lives.And those poor people might just become rich and and then they can stop being hungry for almost every day I hope you think my idea was a good one.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Blogging Tiger Award for Buoyancy

The Blogging Tiger Award for Science goes to Sarah F. for her excellent post on "Why do some things float while others sink?" Congratulations. Here is a link to her post.

Good Book

Summer of Kings is an awesome book. I am now on page 214. I love it's subject.

Monday, September 29, 2008


This year science has been so fun hopefully it will continue to be fun!

Floating and Sinking

Some things float while others sink because some things are heavier than others and some things sink because they have holes in them.

Floating and Sinking

Things float when they weigh less then the fluid they are in.Some things sink when the density is higher then the fluid.

Floating & Sinking

Some things float by how light it is and some things float by what it is made of or what is put in it. Some things sink because it is so heavy that the liquid or air can not hold it up.

Floating and Sinking

Things float and sink is because, that some are heavy and some are light. Also if they sometimes have a hole and I think it will sink

Why thing float and other sink

Things float because they has a shape and other ones sink because they have a hole.

floating and sinking

The heavy object can float and sink.

Floating and Sinking

Why somethings float is because light stuff floats easy and light stuff float when it is in the water.Things sink because if you put hole in the stuff you are going to put in the water it will sink.

Why things sink and float?

An object floats when it weighs less than the weight of the fluid it displaces.

sink and float

Things float when the weight is less then the fluid. things sink when it is denser

The objects that float is it is light and the objects that sank is it is hight.

Summer of kings

I am currently reading a book called Summer of kings. I am on page 68. If I pass this test I get to vote which book is better.

Why do things float and sink?

If the item takes up more than the fluid it displaces, it sinks.
If the item takes up less than the fluid it displaces, it floats.

Friday, September 26, 2008

How do things float?

it floats when the weight is less than the fluid it displays

floating and sinking

Floating is when AN object is on the top of a surface and sinking is when it is on the bottom.

floating and sinking

An objects flout when it weighs less than the weight of the fluid it displaces.

Floating and Sinking

I know a lot about Floating and Sinking.I know that heavy things sink and light things float.Sometimes things sink if they have holes in them but if it doesn't have a hole it won't sink.Like Ivory soap does not sink even though you put a hole in it.A rock sinks if you throw it in the water.A pencil eraser will float.You also you can learn many other things about floating and sinking.

Fioating and Sinking

Some things float because they don't have that much wight .Some things sink because they have wight even when they have a hole in the middle.

Why do things sink & float

Things float and sink because when you put a heavy thing in the water it sinks because it weights a lot , and things that does not weigh a lot it floats, like small wood ,aluminum cans and aluminum bolts , sink ,paper sinks, and a marble sinks beach balls floats , fishing bobber floats .

Sinking and Floating

I know a lot about sinking and floating.I know that heavy things sink and I know that light things float.Most things with holes will sink and most things that don't have holes will float.Ivory soap will float even if you break it or if you put ahole it will still float.

Sinking and Foating

Things float because if you needed to go across the ocean you would have to have something that
floated, and things sink because if you needed oxygen tank when you went to looked for stuff
under water it would have to sink.

floating or sinking

Things float because theres a special fluid and it weighs less. Things sink because there is no special fluid and weighs a lot.

This is why things sink and float

This is why i think heavy things sink and float heavy things might float in different fluids but most the time they sink tho like big hunks of metal sink.Things that are light like a light item will float but in a different fluid it might sink.Like if u put a golf ball in salt water it will float.And thats why i think some things float and sink.

Why Does Things Floats And Sink?

Things float because it weighs less than the fluid it displaces.
Things sink because they are heavy.

How do some things float and others sink?

Well because an object floats when it weighs less than the weight of the fluid it displaces.

How do things float?

Whern we put soap in the water most it float and most of it floated and some of it sinked.

It was fun when we did it but it got on our cloths

Floating and sinking

Most heavy things sink.Most light things float .But when it weighs less than
the fluid it's in it floats.Things float when have air in them.

Why do things float when somethings sink

I know that ivory can float for a long time. Clay can float if you shape it the right way. Clay can sink if you don't shape it right. I know that some heavy stuff can sink or float.

Floating and sinking

My post is about floating and sinking. To float something it has to be light.To sink something it does not have to be light and it has to be heavy.

Why Does Things Floats And Sinks?

Things float because the fluid displaces more !!!!!!!!!!!Things sink because the fluid displaces is less!!!!!!!!!!!

The Reason some things Float and some things Sink.

The reason why some things float and some things sink is because of buoyancy . It also depends on what fluid it is floating in and the density of the water and shape.If the density is greater in the shape than the fluid it sinks.If the density is less than the fluid it floats.

How does a golfball float?

We put salt in water and then steered it around,then put the golf ball in and tried to make it float, if floated at 280 milliliters. Why did others the float at a different milliliters?

Why some things float and some things sink

Some things float more than others because, it would be more buoyant than the fluid it is in, or an easier way to say it is the item weighs more than the fluid it is in. Salt makes the fluid more dense and makes most things float when it is in that fluid. Some things sink because, it is more buoyant than the fluid it is in.

What the answer is to why some things float while others sink

An object floats when it weighs less than the weight of the fluid it displaces.

Why things float and sink ?

Some things float because they are light or the walls are high enough . Like on the foil boats you have to make the bottom flat.On the soap boats you have to make the walls high enough.

Some things sink because the have holes ,or the walls are not high enough. Some things do not float be cause there heavy or you dident carve it enogh.

Some things float becaus ther light and others are hevey.