Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Dam Paragraph

Dams can do many positive things for people. It can control flooding and can even slow down the effects of erosion. Dams can create reservoirs if there is a drought. Building a dam in a dry area can lead to the effects of life and death. Dams can create free electricity for homing and businesses. Which would you want most: electricity and power for anyone's needs, or floods that could take the lives of innocent people and loved ones?? Let me say this: not agreeing with dams now, could be one of the biggest mistakes of your life.


Wm Chamberlain said...

Building a dam in a dry area can lead to the effects of life and death. ??? No comma needed in last sentence. Very nice paragraph!

M Webb said...

Seth this is a very persuasive argument, one of my favourites from your entire class. I really like the way you've organised your ideas and used language to illustrate your points.